
Behavior- High standard of behavior is expected from students. Behavior which jeopardizes the education, safety or sense of security of the students will not be tolerated. School will make every effort to encourage positive behavior. Kindness, politeness and respect towards every one in the school environment are essential. You should develop the values, principles and ethics that are respected are accepted in cultures around the world.

Discipline- Students who reach school early should remain in their class without roaming around. Wandering aimlessly, making noise, quarrelling and damaging the school property are acts of discipline themselves by keeping line and without making noise for the morning assembly and all function held at school.

Dress code- Students should come to school in proper uniform. Uniform should be washed and freshly ironed every day. A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students at all times, both inside the school campus and outside the community.

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday BLUE Uniform.
  • WINE RED Uniform has to be worn every Wednesdays.
  •  No jewelers, expect for a watch and small ear studs for girls may be worn to school.
  • Nails and hair should be trimmed properly. Shoes should be polished regularly. Boys must have their shirts tucked in
  • Girls should wear only Blue hair band.
  • Wearing slippers to school is strictly forbidden.